Using Wellcheq effectively

Resources and tips for how to implement WellCheq in your school

WellCheq implementation models

There are 2 primary impelemtnation models that we've seen be successful


driven model

In a teacher-driven model, the classroom teacher takes full ownership of using WellCheq. This model works particularly well in settings where teachers have homeroom or advisory periods.

  • Students check in with a specific teacher that administers the program
  • Often this works well in advisory or homeroom, but this model can also work well when a school selects a specific subject / special
  • Teachers have access to student data and receive Cheq on me notifications
  • Counselors and administrators provide additionals support as needed

Counselor / Administrator

driven model

In schools where teachers are extremely busy, overwhelmed, or less comfortable with technology, a counselor-driven model may be more effective. In this model, counselors take on a more active role in administering WellCheq, with support from teachers.

  • Students can be grouped by class or grade level
  • Often this works well in high schools or settings with rotating student schedules
  • Teacher involvement is optional, allowing them access the data when they want to
  • Cheq on me notifications go to counselors and administrators

Tips for using WellCheq

Best practices from the hundreds of teachers, administrators, and counselors that have used WellCheq over the past 4 years.

Make it part of your routine

Start your day or advisory with a check-in. This allows students to pause, reflect, and take inventory of how they are feeling before getting the day started.

Make it part of your routine

Start your day or advisory with a check-in. This allows students to pause, reflect, and take inventory of how they are feeling before getting the day started.